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Player Netkeeper
Profiles New CAHniverse InsaneJournal F-list
  • RK-800
  • 313-248-317-51
  • 313-248-317-52
  • 313-248-317-53... etc
Age N/A
Gender Male
Species Android
Orientation Bi - male preference
Canon Detroit: Become Human
General Details
Height ~6'
Build Twink
Eyes Brown
Hair Brown
Occupation Detective Assistant, I guess
  • RK900: Upgrade
  • Hank Anderson
  • Dogs
  • Not many

RK800 "Connor" is an android from Detroit: Become Human, played by Netkeeper very badly. Death of the author, baby. I give no fucks. As far as I'm concerned I'll do whatever I want with this guy.



Connor found and generally stayed within the confines of what appeared to be a Jericho from another timeline where it got to remain an android sanctuary. His peers, which included abandoned androids and deviants on every mark on the scale, finally opened their arms to humans that remained trustworthy for a good deal of time. Connor met a lot of interesting characters here, including other Connor models that went by the same name [and some that went by their own names], and got into some shenanigans not appropriate for this wiki.

But it all ended when an unknown human or deviant unexpectedly blew Jericho up. Some say it was the very ones that founded the place that did it...


[Another] Connor unexpectedly found himself in another dimension instead of being 'killed' by Gavin Reed. He's always trying to find a way to return to his home dimension, even if it means returning to being 'killed', because as an android, he feels without purpose otherwise. This has caused him to attempt to befriend anyone who he thinks could give him that ability, even if accidentally.

But in the meantime, he's enjoying some sweet clothes, because some of the others have voiced discomfort in his blood-stained uniform meant to mark him as a mechanical person rather than a biological one. Hmm, I can't imagine why.



Screencaps I took.


Artwork I drew, commissioned, or was gifted. So all of this belongs to me, don't repost it.