F-chat commands

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F-chat BBcode reference guide.

Basic commands

/me <message>

This is the command that you'll want to use for roleplay actions. Entering /me 's will make your character's name possessive. Examples:

Entering "/me attacks a ball of yarn" results in:


Entering "/me 's whiskers twitch" results in:


Spinning the bottle


Bottle spinning, done by simply typing "/bottle", is a command that pings a random character in the channel. It does not ping users on Do Not Disturb status. It's usually used in games like Spin the Bottle and Truth or Dare.

Rolling dice

Typing "/roll #d#" generates dice rolls. The standard is 1d6 -- or, one six-sided die. Typing "/roll 1d6" results in:


You can change the number of sides on your die as well. Typing "/roll 1d20" results in:


And you can change the number of dice you roll. The resulting number is your rolls added together. Typing "/roll 2d10" results in:


Rolling dice for luck-based events

This tends to be entirely optional fun, but typically rolling 1d6 can be used in place of coin-flipping. Call it before you roll it: even numbers can result in one outcome, while odd numbers can result in the other. An example of this:

[09:01 PM] Simon-Blackquill tries to stick his cane inside the piece closest to the bed so he can bring it up.
[09:02 PM] Simon-Blackquill rolls 1d6: 3
[09:03 PM] Simon-Blackquill didn't manage to get the piece stuck with his cane. Oh well.

[09:04 PM] Simon-Blackquill tries to get another piece close to his bed with his cane.
[09:04 PM] Simon-Blackquill rolls 1d6: 4
[09:05 PM] Simon-Blackquill grabs this one!!
[09:05 PM] Simon-Blackquill is helping!
[09:05 PM] Simon-Blackquill is helpful cripple!

Rolling dice for combat

Rolling dice is how I personally would prefer combat take place in CAHniverse. This is done by having the "attacker" roll against the "defender" -- if the attacker rolls higher, the attack hits, and damage can be determined by the difference in rolls, so if fucking Dycedarg Beoulve is fighting Bobby Fulbright, both of them roll 1d6 when Dycedarg makes an attack: if Dycedarg, the attacker, rolls higher, the attack hits. If Bobby, the defender, rolls higher, the attack will either miss or be blocked. Use your judgement when you're a defender winning a roll, please -- if you just barely won the roll, make it a block and not a dodge or miss.

As usual, rolling 1d6 is the default for almost every character -- your character shouldn't be using anything higher unless they're armed or incredibly strong like Undyne or Volgin, who are free to ramp things up to a d10 or something. A d4 can be used for children or exceptionally weak characters such as the hospitalised Simon Blackquill. Generally, nobody is going to argue with your judgement when choosing a die for your character or their weapon, but don't curb-stomp people.

Other commands

  • Typing "/code" generates BBcode for the channel you're currently in. You can insert it into a message to link to the room. In Slimcat, this command automatically copies the channel's code to your clipboard.
  • Typing "/clear" removes the backlog [but does not affect your logs]. It's just for cleanup purposes.
  • Typing "/priv <character>" opens up a PM window with the user.


BBCode is the delicate art of putting text inside bracketed tags to give it formatting. If you want bold text, for example, you use [b]these tags[/b]. Most of these also work in F-list profile descriptions.

Use of [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] (top) and [icon]Bobby-Fulbright[/icon] (bottom).
  • [b]Creates bold text.[/b]
  • [i]Creates italicised text.[/i]
  • [u]Creates underlined text.[/u]
  • [s]Creates strikethrough text.[/s]
  • [sup]Creates superscript text.[/sup]
  • [sub]Creates subscript text.[/sub]
  • [color=red]Creates red text.[/color]
  • [user]character[/user] creates a text link to a character profile.
  • [icon]character[/icon] generates the character's icon, which links to their profile. In Slimcat this can be right-clicked on.
  • [url=link address]link title[/url] creates a link; the text inside is the link text. Whenever you paste a link into Slimcat, the program automatically applies this markup.

Examples: Typing "[b]testing[/b] [i]some[/i] [u]bbcode[/u] [s]shit[/s] [sup]wowie[/sup] [sub]zowie[/sub] [color=red]running out of creative things to say[/color]" results in:


Moderator commands

Moderator promotion/demotion in the F-chat webclient (top) and Slimcat (bottom).
  • Typing "/kick <character>" kicks the user from the channel. Kicks are usually a "we want you out of the channel" type of message to problematic users -- you should note that kicked users can come right back into the channel, and if they do and continue to cause trouble, a ban may be necessary.
  • Typing "/ban <character>" permanently bans the user from the channel. Typing "/unban <character>" unbans them.
  • Typing "/cop <character>" makes the user a channel op. The command for this is "/promote <character>" in Slimcat.
  • Typing "/cdeop <character>" removes the user from the moderator list. The command for this is "/demote <character>" in Slimcat.
  • Typing "/banlist" shows you the current banlist for the channel you're in. Typing "/coplist" shows you the moderator list for it.
  • Typing "setmode <ads|chat|both>" will toggle ads and chat permissions for the channel. Typing "/setmode <chat>" will turn off ads and make the room chat-only, for example.
  • Typing "/openroom" makes an invite-only room open to the public, and typing "/closeroom" makes a room invite-only.
  • Typing "/invite <character>" invites the user to the room.

/warn command


Typing "/warn <message>" will make your message attention-grabbing. This is meant to be used as a way to make a public announcement or issue cautionary messages to the users in the channel. [But let's be real, we just use it because it looks neat.]

Warn command in Slimcat.

/setdescription command


To change the description of a channel, you only need to type "/setdescription <message>". Standard F-chat BBcode will work here just fine, and note that when you change the description of a channel, it updates said channel's description for all users, resulting in messages that look like this:


These can get a bit long, so it's usually pretty polite to inform the room before you change the description [if it's a long one like this].