Cards Against Humanity

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Cards Against Humanity is a card game often played in character over at the Pretend You're Xyzzy site.

A competitor has emerged: Apples Against Humanity. This site appears to be superior in almost every way, except Xyzzy works with our cardcast decks.

Cardcast Deck Codes

  • Turnabout Humanity: 9KYQ4 (card list): An Ace Attorney fandom centric deck created by Meowzy.
  • The CAHniverse Deck: B4F25 (card list): Pretty much nothing but NSFW and kink cards.
  • CAHni Jr: 2Z5ZZ (card list): The biggest of the decks, meant to be playable on its own if characters under 16 are present.
  • CAHniverse Name Bin: 882XJ (card list): Nothing but named cards, cards with character names on them, and other similar fourth-wall breakers, if anyone ever raises concern about that and wants to opt out of it. Some of these are NSFW.

Codes to add the first three, since they will all three frequently be played together:

/addcardcast 2Z5ZZ
/addcardcast B4F25
/addcardcast 882XJ

I stuck these at the top because the page got long and the main purpose I personally use this page is mostly for playcode reference, so here you go.

Pretend You're Xyzzy

Starting a game

To start a game of Cards Against Humanity online, and only the game host need do this, you'll need to head on over to the Pretend You're Xyzzy site, click the button at the bottom, and set a nickname -- no spaces. Because there is a display cuttoff in-game, most people tend to just use one identifiable name or their character's first and last name CamelCased as opposed to using underscores or hyphens.

Once you're in, just click the "create game" button at the top of the site and you'll automatically be taken to a new game room, assuming the servers are working correctly [they have a lot of errors, get used to that]. As the host, you'll have several new options! If you don't get what an option is there for, hovering over things will usually offer a decent explanation.

To find a game, type the host's name!

After you've set it all up, just link people to the game by copying the url in the address bar, where players can just set their nicknames and jump in right away. If for any reason you need to navigate to the game from the PYX site itself, then you can type the host's nickname into the keyword box next to the refresh/create game buttons and from there you can join or spectate the game. Then when everyone's ready, just hit 'start game' up in the corner. Make sure to give everyone time to talk amongst themselves and request rule adjustments first.

Typical starting options

Most of the time, CAHniverse games have these settings, but they are of course open to changes depending on the host or players:

  • Score limit of at least 10, higher scores make the games last longer so adjust according to player desires
  • Player limits are usually kept at the default, 10
  • Spectator limits are also usually kept at their default. We never even get spectators 99% of the time. Spectator limits can be removed entirely if watchers outnumbering players ever becomes a problem.
  • We need to start removing the idle timer. Like, that's a thing we can do. It can allow for more roleplay-heavy play if a game ever heads that direction, as we know they have before.
  • Most card sets go unchecked, we use our own custom decks [more on that in a moment]. If a Metal Gear character is playing, please check off the Box Expansion.
  • Other decks that can be included... include the 90s Nostalgia Pack or any of the numbered sets/expansions.
  • Don't forget blank white cards. 10 is a good base number, but make it higher if there are lots of cards/decks present in the game -- blank cards make up a lot of the fun, but too many might not be a good idea either. Balance things out, 10 blanks to start with and idk, maybe include a few more blanks for every deck added after the first? Each host is free to use their own judgement.
  • Most importantly, include a game password. The most commonly-used password is "Justice" with a capital J, and we expect that one, so please use it, but the password doesn't matter too much.

Creating custom decks

Creating custom decks requires an account on Cardcast, though you don't need to make an account if you're only using other peoples' decks. Once your account is set up and you're logged in, just click "build" at the top of the site to start building decks or look at/edit your existing ones. That page has some useful info, though here are a few notes about it:

An example deck to get you started
  • "Calls" are the equivalent of black cards
  • "Responses" are the equivalent of white cards and tend to outnumber calls
  • The same rules that apply to their "Cardcast" game also apply to Cards Against Humanity

You should also follow their style guide, but that's just common sense.

Once you've entered in the details for your custom deck, you're ready to go, start entering in some cards. There are even upload buttons that don't actually upload, you can just paste lines of text into the box and it creates cards out of them so you won't have to enter them one at a time.

Where to find play codes.

The deck builder autosaves, though I wouldn't recommend using it if your internet connection is being a piece of shit. But if it was, you'd also not want to be playing CAH at the moment. Once you're done, just copy your deck's play code and put it somewhere, like, I dunno, maybe this page because we have more deck codes further down here. It doesn't exactly matter if you lose it, though, because you can just go back and get it by logging into Cardcast, going to "build", and clicking on your deck.


Adding custom decks

You can add anyone's deck as long as you know its play code. You can get play codes from the chatlog by typing /listcardcast. Once you have the play code, adding the custom deck is as easy as inserting the top line of text under 'commands' [after making the appropriate replacements] into the chatbox.



/addcardcast PLAYCODE

Generates this system message: [5:58:29 PM] Added: Cardcast deck '[title]' (code: [playcode]), with # black cards and # white cards. Clicking on the playcode will take you to the deck's browse page where you can view all the cards present. Only usable by game hosts!

/removecardcast PLAYCODE

The instructions say this is broken, but it works for me when I try it. Only usable by game hosts.



Typing this generates a similar message where you can get a peek at the numbers behind a deck as well as the browse page on Cardcast's website. This one can be used by players as well as the game host.


Works just like [F-chat commands f-chat].

Apples Against Humanity

This site has a different layout and features but overall works similarly to PYX. After more playtesting is done, there may be a proper guide written here for it if it turns out to be massively different, but we're more likely to just list the differences between the two. Check back some other time.

Actually playing CAH

The game will mostly explain itself. But I playercested with myself to run a demo game for the purposes of this article. This assumes you're using the PYX site but can be applied to AAH too.

When the game begins, a random person is designated "card czar" -- that person, for this round, does nothing. How do you know if you're the card czar, you ask? The game makes it blatantly obvious.


Everybody else selects cards that the czar will then choose their favourite or whatever they prefer or whatever sounds the funniest or whatever doesn't fit the most... depends on the czar, and it may also depend on how obvious the players make their plays.

Once the czar has chosen, the person that played that card is awarded a point, and the card czar goes down the online list in the next turn, and play continues like this until someone reaches the score cap, whatever it's set to.


The index page of PYX mentions you can't double up in the same browser. So using Chrome users won't let you double up, and browser extensions like Multi-Fox or SessionBox also don't work. Here is a short list of alternative browsers you can use:

  • Pale Moon: Firefox-based, compatible with many Firefox extensions
  • Iridium: Chrome/webkit-based, compatible with many Chrome extensions
  • Midori: Chrome/webkid-based, I didn't install this one but it looks good
  • GNUzilla IceCat: Firefox-based, really cute logo
