District Court

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District Court
RP Location
Canon Ace Attorney
Classification Building
Size 3+ stories
Population N/A
Government N/A
Leader The Judge

The District Court in Los Angeles is the courthouse in the Ace Attorney franchise. It is where Taka usually lives. There are at least nine identical courtrooms in this building and at least six defendant lobbies. Prosecutor lobbies are also a thing but it's unclear how many there are. The judge has his chambers, there are restrooms, hallways with vending machines, a courtyard, like I don't even know what to do with this guys just look at the map I guess.

RP Events

In CAHniverse, this location was visited twice, the first when The Phantom disguises himself as Simon Blackquill to trick Taka into retrieving the Phantom's psychological profile, and another time when Simon's retried and found Not Guilty of murder thanks to the Phantom. Yaaaay


Further reading, expect spoilers