Harpies Character Species | |||||||||||||
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-Harpies, probably
Harpies [singular Harpy] are a sapient race of creatures that resemble a cross between a human being and a bird, bearing traits of both species.
Basic Information and Appearance
Harpies come in as many shapes, sizes, and colors as actual birds. Most harpies resemble real-world species of birds, but some may be more fantastical or muttlike, depending on the geneology of their parents.
Harpies have, in place of arms, a pair of wings, usually large enough to fly with. However, as wings are a highly specialized evolution of forearm/foreleg, they do carry some handlike qualities, namely a 'wrist' joint and one or more 'digits'. In harpies, they have usually four 'digits', with three being dewclaws, and the fourth being the extending bulk of the wing. The dewclaws are dextrous and fingerlike, one behaving exactly like a thumb, though they are covered in the same rough, scale-like scutes as a bird's legs, and tipped with curved talons.
Additionally, Harpies have digitigrade bird-legs below the knees, varying in appearance and arrangement of toes depending on the species of bird the harpy most resembles. These legs, however, are almost always covered in the same rough scutes as the dewclaws, and tipped with large talons. Harpies also have feathered tails, the arrangement of the tail feathers again depending on the species of bird they most closely resemble.
The ears of a harpy are pointed, and tipped with feathers, and many carry other quirks like feathered neck ruffs or other things, depending on bird species resemblance. Many also have feathers in other locations besides their wings, such as between the wings on their backs, or on their calves where their legs transition from human to bird.
Many harpies may carry some of the extincts of the birds they resemble, such as nesting habits, or compulsions to collect certain things. Additionally, many are also able to reproduce the noises of their bird species, and may have the compulsion to do so at certain times. Some may also replicate the courtship rituals of their resembling birds.
- Flight, obviously. Most harpies have strong, large wings that can be used to carry them through the air just like a bird. Some, however, depending on type of bird or the rest of their physiology (such as potential weightgain) may be incapable of flight.
- Harpies usually have impeccable balance on their feet, though some more than others, depending on type of bird and weight.
- The feet of a harpy can be almost as dextrous as their dewclaws, some more than others, such as those of a parrot-like harpy. When paired with a great balance, many harpies can use their feet as additional 'hands'.
- The Talons of a harpy can be powerful- already, most harpies are equipped with curved, sharp talons on each toe, which as-is can be used as a weapon. Some types of harpies, however, such as ones based on raptors, will have much more powerful and deadly talons and grips.
- Like most birds, most harpies have very fragile bones in order to keep themselves light enough for flight. , delicate. The damage of their bones or joints could drastically effect their health or mobility.
- Most harpies are very thin, and have their muscles relegated to their wings and, in some cases, their legs, in order to be built for flight. Harpy balance and ability to fly can be greatly reduced by even only a little weight gain.
- Additionally to the above, many harpies may have low strength for activities that require muscle strength outside of flight.
- Though their dewclaws are highly dextrous, they are only three and covered in rough scutes and tipped with talons, making them not nearly as able as the fingers of a more human-like creature. Their sense of touch on their dewclaws is very low due to the roughness of their skin, and they do not have much digit-strength. Additionally, their location on the 'wrist' of their wings can be inconvenient. Harpies with smart phones always require screen protectors.