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Character Species
Clem sim 1.png
Canon Original
Avg Height Can alter
Avg Weight Can alter
Lifespan ?
Language English
Location island

The Hirsch are a a strange and secluded race of shapeshifting deer folk that live in relative harmony with the Treants on a small, almost perfectly flat island surrounded by cliffs.

Basic Information and Appearance

In shape and size, the Hirsch resemble Mule Deer, save for color- the Hirsch are almost entirely monochromatic, their pelts a shade of white or gray, with spots covering the back that are almost always a darker color than the pelt (of gray to black), and antlers the same colors as their spots. However, colors like creams and browns may occur in pelts and spots, as well as having a pelt darker than the spots- a very rare coloration is black with white spots. When young are born with such a coloration, it is generally considered good luck, and the child is usually spoiled my the community.

All Hirsch, regardless of sex, grow a pair of antlers.

The Hirsch are capable of shifting anywhere between the spectrum of a pure deerlike form, to almost an entirely human form- however, some aspects of their true deer nature remain, such as in the shapes of their faces and ears, the retaining of tails and antlers, and the colors of their pelts and spots retaining as the color of their skin, as well as the texture of their skin remaining fuzzy like a peach.

May be longlived, but time may pass differently on their island.


The island the Hirsch and Treants live on is temperate in climate, albeit generally a bit chilly- in the real world, this Island would likely be located in either the North Atlantic or the Norwegian Sea. In shape, the island is rather small and uniform in size and shape, mostly round, and is elevated from the sea with steep, high cliffs. The island is also almost completely flat on top, save for various pools and ponds of water, giving it the appearance of a large pillar or mesa rising from the sea.

The flora and fauna of the island are also mostly monochromatic, with the bark of trees generally black or gray, but sometimes washed out browns or silvers and creams. The leaves and petals of plants are metallic in color, usually silver or whitegold, but very rarely coming in coppers or bronzes. The other fauna generally come in similar colorations as the Hirsch, and the Treants are colored the same as the local trees- in fact, the silent, rooted trees of the island are actually all simply Treants who took root and no longer found a need for communication a long time ago.


The following characters are Hirsch and have pages on this wiki:


Images of Mule Deer, the real-life species of deer that Hirsch resemble when in their deer-forms.