Solid Snake
David Doe
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Player | Byrd | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Profiles | [] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"A strong man doesn't need to read the future, he makes his own."
-Solid Snake
Solid Snake is in CAHniverse!, and is played by Byrd. In CAHniverse! and related AUs, he is mostly known by his alias, Iroquois Pliskin, and usually keeps his codename and occupation a secret(not a very well-kept secret...). A privileged few are allowed to know him by his true name, David.
Snake is a former spy, special operations soldier, and mercenary. Following the Shadow Moses Incident and subsequent smear campaign by the Patriots, the secret organization behind American politics, Snake was labeled a terrorist. However, following the publication of In the Darkness of Shadow Moses: The Unofficial Truth, the world became more aware of both Solid Snake and his actions.
Snake has since been a founder of the anti-Metal Gear group known as Philanthropy, tasked with hunting down and destroying every Metal Gear derivative in the world, and exposing the creators. Although officially recognized by the U.N., they are still considered a fringe group, and receive all funding privately.
He is currently living with and married to Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin.
He's also semi-recently dyed his hair copper instead of the usual shades of brown.
In the anatomy of CAHniverse!, Snake is the dessicated remains of the liver.
Pre-RP History and Basic Information
Personality and Traits
Solid Snake, a hardened career soldier, often displays a calm and collected demeanor, rarely showing any signs of fear in extreme circumstances. He buries his emotions deep inside himself, causing some to see him as cold and uncaring. Despite this perceived attitude, Snake occasionally shows a more human side, expressing great concern for allies' well being during dangerous operations, and even demonstrating compassion towards fallen enemies.
Though mostly reserved, Snake showed some prominent change in his outlook towards life throughout the years. Big Boss's betrayal in 1995 and his battle to the death with Gray Fox and again with Big Boss in 1999 left a deep-seated emotional pain leading to PTSD, alcoholism and cynicism.
However, his reunion with Gray Fox, the brief but strong feelings he gained for Meryl, and the friendship he struck with Otacon reinvigorated his desire to live, if only for the sake of others. With Philanthropy, Snake aspires towards building a better future for the world by eradicating Metal Gears and liberating humanity from digital subjugation.
Snake holds a great amount of regard for the people he comes to care about and trust. Unused to gaining close friendships and relationships, he treasures the ones he finds as close to his heart as he can- sometimes a little too close, as the personal attachments can sometimes cause him to make bad decisions from clouded judgement, or leave him emotionally distressed when things go wrong, though he hides it well.
If sufficiently allowed to relax, more of his emotions make their way to the surface, though he is very guarded with them. Though infrequent, he can and does sometimes smile and even laugh, mostly around his closest friends and his lover. He has a decent sense of humor, though by his serious nature and outward presentation, some of his jokes can fall flat due to perceived seriousness. He also has a deep love for dogs, movies, boxes, and etymology, and these are all things he will become openly eager to talk about and share with people he likes.
He is very poor at keeping secrets, and will readily share his true name and details of his life and who he is with people who gain his trust, partly because he belueves they deserve to know, and partly because he wants them to know as, in the case of his real name, it helps him feel more real, and more than just a weapon in the shape of a man.
Due to his extensive military background, Snake found his calling on the battlefield, having spent most of his life there, and believed it was the only place where he felt truly alive. Because of this, he was often accused of enjoying the killing in warfare, by both allies and enemies. Although Snake refused to admit to such views, his clone brother Liquid believed that he was in self denial, while Psycho Mantis remarked that he was even "worse" in this regard than Liquid himself. Despite conceding that he was "heartless," Snake showed himself to be self-sacrificing and with a strong belief that even on a battlefield friendship and love can flourish, and that violence is not glorious. Even so, Snake rejects any idea that he is a hero, in the face of praise and admiration from fellow operatives. Though willing to take on the mission to Shadow Moses, Snake showed no sign of longing for the army or the country he was part of. Snake also has a disdain for politicians.
Snake has accepted that he often does feel a sort of 'rush' on the battlefield, and when killing others. However, he realizes that he doesn't need to be ruled by it, and rejects his own desire for bloodshed, of which he is ashamed, and instead tries to stick to non-lethal methods if possible.
Through years of training and experience, he developed heightened levels of endurance and reflexes, surviving prolonged periods of pain, torture, and narrowly evading numerous near-fatal incidents. Snake dislikes wearing hats, preferring his bandana, despite "Master Miller" warning him that 70% of body heat dissipates from the head. Snake likewise is not too keen with using bladed weapons, informing Raiden as much during the Big Shell Incident. He does nonetheless have knowledge on how to use them, and often carries at least one combat knife on his person.
Snake is fluent in six languages, including French. Conversely, his knowledge of computing is somewhat limited, often relying on more technical-minded allies to deal with such matters during missions. Snake is somewhat knowledgeable about pop culture, having partially named an alias from the character Snake Plissken from Escape from New York.
Early Life
In 1972, David and his twin brother Eli (Liquid Snake) were born as a result of the secret "Les Enfants Terribles" government project designed to create the perfect soldier, using the genes of the "Greatest Warrior of the 20th Century" Big Boss.
Following his birth, Snake was given the name David. He spent his early life being raised by a variety of foster 'parents', consisting mainly of tutors and trainers, and never left the States in his early years. He never attended public school, and his education was almost entirely based on his future as a soldier. He was rarely, if ever, socialized, though he was allowed some freedom in which he frequently went to see movies, and in the summer when he was ten years old and living in Oregon, he went alone to a private theme park on Saturdays.
Making his way into the military, David was inducted into the Green Berets as a teen and took part in a mission to infiltrate western Iraq in 1991, during the Gulf War. While undergoing FOXHOUND's training regimen, he became an expert of high-altitude skydiving, linguistics, closed-circuit open-circuit combat diving, and free climbing. Big Boss personally trained him in the use of CQC and taught him the importance of having the will to survive on the battlefield. It was at FOXHOUND's training camp that he also met survival instructor Master Miller. During this time, Snake's real name and origins were classified under National Security.
Outer Heaven Uprising
Snake's first mission for FOXHOUND came in 1995, when he was tasked with infiltrating Outer Heaven; a military nation deep within South Africa, led by a feared and legendary mercenary. Snake was charged with rescuing Gray Fox, a FOXHOUND agent who was missing in action. After locating Gray Fox, he learned from him that Metal Gear was a bipedal nuclear-armed tank that can launch a nuclear warhead anywhere in the world.
After destroying TX-55 Metal Gear, Big Boss, Snake's mission commander, then revealed himself to be the leader of Outer Heaven, and confronted Snake in person within the 100th floor basement of the fortress. Snake defeated Big Boss in combat and escaped the base before its self destruction. However, Big Boss survived the fall of Outer Heaven and escaped.
Despite his success in Outer Heaven, Snake departed FOXHOUND and entered early retirement. He also chose to abandon the CQC techniques taught to him by Big Boss, due to its association with the man who had betrayed his unit.
Snake was later scouted by the CIA and spent six months as an undercover agent, until he became dissatisfied with the organization and left. He then became a mercenary for hire, and after earning enough money, he went into semi-retirement in the Canadian wilderness. For the next few years, Snake experienced PTSD, caused by memories of Big Boss and Outer Heaven.
Zanzibar Land Disturbance
In December 1999, Snake was called upon by FOXHOUND’s new commander, Roy Campbell, for an operation into Central Asia. Apparently, a new highly militarized nation called Zanzibar Land had kidnapped Dr. Kio Marv, inventor of the oil refining microbe, OILIX. Not only that, but a new Metal Gear was believed to be under development in Zanzibar Land. Snake accepted the mission, in part to end the nightmares that he had endured since Operation Intrude N313. Snake's mission objectives were to infiltrate the seemingly impenetrable wall that surrounded Zanzibar Land, and to recover Dr. Marv and the OILIX formula, as part of Operation Intrude F014. His radio support team consisted of Colonel Campbell, former FOXHOUND instructor Master Miller, and mercenary advisor George Kasler.
Despite blown covers, lost comrades, and betrayals, Snake succeeded in recovering the OILIX formula.
Deep in the heart of Zanzibar Land, Snake destroyed Metal Gear D and defeated Gray Fox, who had betrayed FOXHOUND along with Big Boss to whom Gray Fox owed his life, successfully thwarting the ambitions of Big Boss. As the man behind Zanzibar Land's rise to power, Big Boss returned for a final battle against his former subordinate. It was at this point that Big Boss revealed that he was actually Snake's father. Snake ultimately defeated Big Boss with a makeshift flamethrower, consisting of a lighter and lacquer spray.
Retirement in Alaska
Following the conclusion of Operation Intrude F014, Snake returned to North America and retired to an Alaskan wilderness retreat, Twin Lakes. By this time, the military had deemed that Snake had committed several acts of misconduct during his career, enough for him to serve a lengthy prison sentence, should he be brought to account. Through his retirement, Snake attempted to try and forget his war-torn past and recover from PTSD, as well as come to terms with the fact that he had "killed" his own father. During this time, he began heavily drinking. He also became a dogsled racer, taking care of 50 huskies, and competed in the Iditarod.
Shadow Moses Incident
In February 2005, Snake was called back to the U.S. military when he was deployed by his former commander Roy Campbell to Shadow Moses Island. A rebellion had taken place at Shadow Moses by rogue members of FOXHOUND, led by Liquid Snake, who had threatened the U.S. with a nuclear strike and demanded that the remains of Big Boss be turned over to them. Due to his resemblance to the terrorist leader Liquid Snake, Solid Snake had his hair cut shortly before departing to Shadow Moses, to avoid being mistaken for him. Snake was charged with ascertaining their nuclear capability and rescuing their hostages: Grab 'Em by the Pussydent of ArmsTech weapons manufacturer Kenneth Baker, and the DARPA Chief Dumbald Anderson.
Snake infiltrated the base alone, but quickly gained help in the form of Metal Gear REX developer Hal Emmerich and new FOXHOUND recruit Meryl Silverburgh, Campbell's niece. Metal Gear REX was a nuclear-armed bipedal walking tank developed in secret by the U.S. Army and ArmsTech. However, he ended up being tricked into activating Metal Gear due to misinformation supplied by Liquid (who had infiltrated Snake's support group by posing as Master Miller, having had him murdered three days prior). With the help of the two aforementioned, as well as his former comrade Gray Fox (now the Cyborg Ninja), Snake succeeded in destroying REX and defeating the members of FOXHOUND, including Liquid.
Snake soon learned that the mission had been a cleverly woven plot, prepared by the Pentagon. Through the secret, Pentagon-guided efforts of genetic engineer Naomi Hunter, Snake's body had become host to the artificial virus FOXDIE. Snake was outraged to hear that his mission was a government conspiracy, and that he was merely sent as a carrier of the virus, which was programmed to kill Baker (for knowing too much about the project), and the FOXHOUND operatives just to ensure that the bodies of the Genome Soldiers and Metal Gear REX could be recovered undamaged. He was also reminded of the possibility that he had willingly returned to the battlefield because he enjoyed war, as commented upon by Meryl, Psycho Mantis, and Liquid Snake, and echoing Big Boss's words in Zanzibar Land.
Snake also discovered that Naomi was the foster sister of Gray Fox, who desired revenge for what Snake had done to her brother and had modified the FOXDIE virus so that it would kill him in addition to FOXHOUND. However, she set the virus to a "wildcard" value, leaving him vulnerable at a later time.To enable Snake some peace, Campbell reported Snake died when his jeep sank into the ocean. This cover story was short lived, assuming it fooled anyone at all.
Post-Shadow Moses
Following the Shadow Moses Incident, Snake and Meryl disappeared after leaving the base, after Campbell faked their deaths by claiming that they had died after their jeep crashed into the ocean. Sometime later, Snake lost contact with Meryl. Because of his exploits at Shadow Moses, he also became a hero to the public, which greatly concerned the Patriots.
Three weeks after the Shadow Moses Incident, Naomi escaped from confinement at a high-security facility during debriefing due to someone breaking her out. As Nastasha Romanenko and the U.S. Government believed Snake to have been the one who broke her out (in actuality, it was not him who did the deed), the U.S. military also added Snake's supposed involvement in her escape to his rap sheet.
Ocelot later sold REX's plans onto the black market, prompting Snake and Otacon to found the anti-Metal Gear NGO, Philanthropy. With the goal of eradicating all Metal Gear technology, Snake participated in investigating its development across the world, often by illegal means, which Philanthropy then exposed to the public via the Internet. His missions and activities in the group included data collection and various sabotage missions, and were also extremist in nature.
During a lull between missions for Philanthropy, Snake booked himself a hotel room in the general area CAHniverse! takes place in (Japanifornia??). Through SHENANIGANS, he came across other inhabitants of the area such as Simon Blackquill, Bobby Fulbright, Tori Nygma, and others, whom he started hanging around mostly because he was bored, had nothing better to do, and craved the attention and alcohol that the regular games this group played brought. To this group, Snake introduced himself by his alias Iroquois Pliskin, though he would come to tell his true name to a few of them.
Through these encounters, Snake became very close to Simon, talking with him about life, death, the future, love, the meanings thereof, and their places within them. Snake quickly gained a strong feeling of friendship and kinship with Simon, to whom he soon entrusted with his real first name. However, these feelings eventually and abruptly evolved to be more romantic in nature, and he soon began to pine after Simon, who was already in a relationship with Bobby... a relationship Snake helped them achieve.
Snake then became a bit of a FILTHY HOMEWRECKER, sharing many intimate romantic and even sexual moments with Simon. He also swiftly grew exceptionally envious of Simon's relationship with Bobby, and this gave way to Snake participating in more and more idiotic behaviors, such as drinking excessively to force himself not to think about it with limited success, to engaging in random sex acts with other attractive men (such as Casper and Volgin) with some intent to make Simon jealous. It was during this time that, thanks to Dycedarg Beoulve, Snake awakened to a newfound puppyplay/petplay kink that he greatly enjoys playing into, and is awfully good at getting into character for.
However, what was initially a one-night-stand with Yevgeny Volgin, a large and villainous Russian man from the 1960s who had a negative history with Snake's father, quickly grew more romantic in nature as well, starting with Volgin giving him the pet name Sobachka or Sobachka moy, a diminutive of the Russian word for dog and thus meaning 'doggy' or 'my doggy/doggy mine'. This was soon distracting Snake from his tension with Simon. Simon evidently didn't take too kindly to the decrease in romantic attention from Snake, though they eventually sorted things out and retained their friendship.
Snake eventually solidified an actual relationship with Volgin, regardless of Simon's misgivings and Volgin's villainous past, which Snake handwaves so long as Volgin keeps it as just that- the past. At this time, he also admitted to Simon how toxic their romantic tension had been for him, and how he was happier to leave that behind, and simply be friends again, and focus his romantic thoughts on his new boyfriend, to whom he gave a returning petname; Solnyshko or Solnyshko moyo, also a Russian diminutive, this time for the word for Sun- making the petname mean 'sunshine' or 'my sunshine'. This has so far gone well, as Volgin proves to be attentive and caring, as well as incredibly spoiling, much to Snake's embarrassment... not that he complains about his new wardrobe, phone, and motorcycle. He is also making plans to finally check out of his hotel, and move in with Volgin.
Throughout his time in CAHniverse!, Snake grew rather close to Tori as well, giving her advice and some measure of stability. It was through this, that she started to see him as a father figure, which came to a head when she accidentally called him 'Dad' in front of other people. He's taken this in stride, however, his only complaint a joke about being too young to be her dad. Otherwise, he has no problem with it, and has accepted that so long as Tori sees him as a father figure, he'll do his best to behave like one should, namely in looking out for her, and trying to help her keep her life straight.
When the truth was revealed about Bobby Fulbright's true identity as the Phantom, Snake quickly grew a hatred for the man, and was the second, after Tori, to officially confront him. And unlike Tori, his confrontation was open for all to see. This led to the Phantom having to temporarily abandon the identity of Bobby, and in a brief tussle in Tori's kitchen, Snake was injured, though this was healed by Jeb. With the Phantom on the lam, Snake did his best to keep Simon safe, including acting as a bodyguard when Simon was injured in the hospital with a crippling leg injury. However, despite his best efforts, when the Phantom donned his Bobby identity again and came to retrieve Simon with an entourage of ten police officers, Snake was, unfortunately, defeated with the use of a taser, and was forced to escape with Liquid in tow.
Unfortunately, Simon started to develop memory problems, which only got worse with time, to the point of Simon entirely forgetting the correlation of Bobby and the Phantom, which led to the two of them getting back together. Regardless of the Phantom's insistence that he wants to do what's best for Simon and will make Simon happy, Snake sees only maliciousness in the other spy's actions, and snuck into Bobby and Simon's new house in order to try and murder the Phantom.
Unfortunately, this somehow instead ended in Snake and the Phantom having sex, which Snake was deeply ashamed and sickened with himself by. They also came to the agreement to not speak of either of their massive mistakes/misdeeds here, so long as the other remained silent as well... and that's why Snake became so suddenly complacent to Simon being back together with the Phantom/Bobby.
At some point, Naked Snake arrived, fresh from Operation Snake Eater, just like Volgin had been. Being a younger version of Big Boss, who had yet to commit the acts that made David hate his father, it made things pretty dang awkward between John and the other Snakes.
On February 1st, Volgin suddenly asked Snake to be his husband, to which Snake gladly agree. Both felt that even if it's technically early, and that their relationship has been moving quickly, they don't see the point in dragging it out unnecessarily to fit expectations of a 'normal' length of time. Additionally, both knew that the marriage wouldn't be 'official' in the eyes of the law, government, or church, and still neither cared. They started making plans to get married on Valentine's Day at a small wedding party consisting of them and their friends and acquaintances, which would be located at the warehouse Liquid owned and lived in.
However, despite his good spirits, Snake suddenly found himself compelled to seek out the Phantom again for further sex, despite how deeply ashamed and disgusting it makes him feel, and afterward his mood dropped rapidly. The next day, roughly a week before Valentine's Day (and the wedding), Snake abruptly found himself struck with every ounce of regret, guilt, and hurt he's gathered and repressed throughout his life, and wound up a sobbing mess on the floor of Tori's kitchen. He then pulled his SOCOM pistol on himself, intending to shoot himself and commit suicide, only for it to be wrestled away from him by John.
Volgin had been on a flight to Germany when the suicide attempt occurred, and he flew back as soon as he could upon receiving the news, in order to comfort Snake as best he could. Snake spent much of his time following his suicide attempt in the midst of a mental breakdown, crying harder than he'd ever had in his life, refusing to eat, and spending most of his time in a bed in one of Tori and Jeb's guest rooms, mildly afraid to go home where the rest of his deadly weapons were. Several people pitched in to help look after him in this state and do their best to cheer him up, including but not limited to Volgin, Liquid, Jeb, Casper, and Tori.
Eventually, Snake's mood gradually started to improve, especially as the Valentine's Day and thus, the date of his upcoming wedding, grew closer. He found himself growing excited again, especially when testing out cake flavors for their wedding cake.
Then, on February 14th, Valentine's Day, Snake and Volgin held their wedding party in Liquid's warehouse, which had been cleaned and decorated to transform it practically into another place entirely. Complete with tuxedos and wedding vows, Volgin and Snake exchanged rings and officially tied the knot, making them a married couple, and each others' husbands.
Because of a box of magical transforming items found on Halloween, Snake has come into the possession of a dog-ear headband that, when worn, changes out his human ears for a real pair of husky ears atop his head, a very real matching tail, sharp canine teeth, and a set of hard-to-resist canine instincts such as a desire to fetch thrown objects and receive bellyrubs.
His background is roughly the same as his canon one, save for being a werewolf(or more specifically, a husky!), cloned from Big Boss- also a werewolf, and a distinct lack of the Shadow Moses Incident. Following the Outer Heaven uprising, Snake tried to quit the military, sick of them using and abusing his status as a werewolf as a tool of death, and haunted by the trauma of his first and only mission for FOXHOUND. He was scouted by the CIA, only to find that they weren't much better, and quit after six months. He was then a mercenary for a while, a 'popular' line of work for ex-military non-humans but again, not much better, his abilities as a 'monster of death' were still all he was used for, only this time for the highest bidder. After he raised enough money from his merc work, Snake then retired to Canada for a few years, before being recalled for one last mission to Zanzibar Land. After that, he retired once more, this time hopefully permanently, to Alaska. He has since moved to Seattle to change his name and get away from the military/patriots hassling him again, trying to wrangle him back to his old life, as he is determined to remain very much retired.
His upbringing was rather unhappy. Snake was raised by humans, and spent his time growing up being scolded for showing his inhuman traits outside of battle, but encouraged to be beastly IN battle. Pressured to remain as human as possible for everyone else's comfort, but still be a killer beast on demand. Obedient, but without canine submissiveness. He also had his full moon bloodrage taken full advantage of, likely steered in some form for control, possibly by means of shock collars or the like.
The pressure and the conflicting pulls left him stressed and anxious about being visibly a werewolf, and he does his best to pass as a normal human. The only time he fully relaxed and let himself shift as comfortably as he'd like was when he was retired in Alaska, alone save for the non-judgemental companionship of his huskies. Being forced to move to Seattle has changed that, and he had to rehome all but one of his huskies. Frank, a retired sled dog, is silver in color and is reaching old age for a dog of his breed.
He is still a natural blond, but due to having a poor grasp of his shifting and inability to fully shift 100% to a human form, his hair is normally the same coppery color as his darkest fur in his canine form. His eyes are also much brighter most of the time. The new moon, however, dims his eyes and is the only time he is fully human, leaving him with normal teeth, junk, and blond hair. Due to the lack of a Shadow Moses Incident, Snake had no incentive to cut his hair in order to avoid looking like Liquid- therefore, he still has the longish, shaggy hair he'd grown out in Alaska. He at least trims around the front to keep it out of his face.
Snake, again, has a pretty poor grasp on his human form. It is not uncommon for his ears or tail to appear if he loses composure, and further, for his hands and legs to change to paws and digitigrade legs if he lets himself go. Additionally, outside of the new moon, he is incapable of shifting himself human teeth, leaving his aolways rather sharp, or... human genitals. The majority of the time, his cock is a mix of both canine and human traits, with a ridged head with a tapered, pointed tip, dark red in color, and capable of forming a knot. It pretty much looks exactly like this, in both shape(especially when knotted), colors, and size(the picture even has his name on it, HEH). His dick also retreats into a sheath when not in use, which is covered in a very soft cream-white fur, as are his balls.
He has met Volgin, with whom he has already begun a friendly sexual relationship, 'Snake', a fellow werewolf who appears to have some sort of relation to him, and his twin brother, Liquid (who failed to inherit the werewolf aspect of their father and has instead become a vampire) who was in town and hunting for him. They have since talked out their differences and have decided to have a go at just being family, whatever that means.
Gilded Cage
Trapped in Ivalice, Snake must adhere to the whims of Dycedarg Beoulve in order to survive. This includes being tutored to behave as a native knight, as he will be taking up the name Sir Iroquois Pliskin permanently, and has been appointed to the role of Dycedarg's personal bodyguard and, less publically, Dycedarg's pet, like a prized hound.
CAHni Babies
So far, he has only appeared as a child here. David appears as a ten-year-old boy with dark brown hair, commonly wears a headband, and has a penchant for wearing t-shirts with wolves and huskies on them. As a boy, David has quite a problem with talking to people, and is very quiet, incredibly unused to being socialized in any way beyond training and tutoring. He can be made to ramble when a favorite topic, such as dogs or movies, comes into play, but he will quickly shut himself up and become sheepishly quiet again once he realizes how much he's been talking.
A severe, serious child who rarely thinks for himself. His only solace is in watching movies in what little spare time he has, and in the last summer, weekend trips by himself to a private theme park.
- Snake is a natural blond like Liquid, but normally dyes his hair various shades of brown (and recently copper).
- When living in Alaska, Snake stopped dying his hair and let it grow long, making him look exactly like Liquid.
- Snake is a (poorly) recovering alcoholic.
- He is addicted to smoking cigarettes, which he uses as a way to ease his nerves and take the edge off, to keep himself calm.
- He has literally no gag reflex, making him able to swallow large objects, including jawbreakers, cigarette cartons, and Volgin's giant moose dick.
- He is a huge movie buff, especially for movies released in the 80s when he was a young boy or a teen.
- Snake has a habit of tilting his head at things/people, much like a dog.
- In fact, he may have picked up a number of habits/types of body language from his time raising fifty huskies alone in Alaska
- Linguistics was a part of Snake's training, and he is fluent in six languages: including English, Russian, French, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Polish
- Snake is also casually interested in etymology, and loves to learn about words and where they come from, especially from other languages as well as his native English. This extends to names, and he's looked into the meanings, origins, and derivations of many different names.
- He has an IQ of 180, however, he can be very slow on the uptake.
- Snake sometimes has difficulty understanding others, especially on an emotional level. He does his best, and this works out well enough most of the time, but it can sometimes lead to misreadings, poor decisions and responses, and frustration when he can't figure out a social issue. He can be overly logical, leading to him seeming too cold or blunt.
- Snake has a super ultra mega TOP SECRET ticklish spot... it's the backs of his knees.
- During his time living off the land in Alaska, Snake developed a taste for blueberries and salmonberries.