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Lycanthropes (Werewolves)
Character Species
Canon Fantasy
Avg Height Same as Humans
Avg Weight Same as Humans
Lifespan ?
Language Same as Humans
Location Earth


            -Werewolves, probably

Lycanthropes are shapeshifting creatures, usually between the forms of a human and a large wolf. Every full moon, werewolves undergo a forceful transformation under which they go temporarily rabid with a powerful bloodlust, and their natural abilities are greatly enhanced.

Basic Information and Appearance

Lycanthropes come in many different sizes, or breeds, usually canine. Though generally called werewolves, not all lycanthropes are wolves! They come in all shapes in sizes, from poodles to great danes. Despite many old legends holding that being a werewolf was a 'curse' that could be spread through a bite, being a lycanthrope is actually a born condition, and is likely genetic.

However, this does not stop, or makes worse, the negative image that werewolves have in media and it is not uncommon for humans to hold a very negative view of lycanthropes, leading to them being persecuted. They are most commonly thought of as stupid, brutish, and inherently violent or evil- while it is true that werewolves cannot help but become violent under a full moon, it is against their will and many self-medicate with aconite (or wolfsbane) in order to keep themselves from being dangerous.

Generally, lycanthropes have unaturally bright eyes that can even glow in the dark, which can look quite stunning with some eye colors- this trait remains even in their most human forms outside of the new moon. When full shifted outside the full moon, they generally appear mostly similar to a canine, often specific breeds of dogs or just mutts, however they are usually much larger in size, even the smaller breeds. There are also some general differences, as usually even in their most transformed state, lycanthropes generally still have finger-like digits with opposable thumbs on their front paws, and are still capable of standing upright. However, some werewolves prefer to go quadrupedal when transformed.

Some lycanthropes actually have more of an affinity with one end of their transformation than the other, and may have difficulty transforming fully to the opposite end outside its respective moon phase. Some are incapable of going fully human, though may be able to mostly hide it, with only a few things giving them away, such as sharp teeth. Some, however, may have a harder time, and sport furry ears or tails or claws, or even paws or coats of fur. The opposite can also be true, and some people are simply stuck in the middle, unable to fully shift comfortably in either direction outside of the moon phases.

When fully shifted under the full moon, however, werewolves are generally much bigger than both their human and normal animal shape, appearing as beastly as possible, with full access to their most powerful senses and their most hulkish strength and durability. However, they cannot control themselves in any way during the full moon, leaving this massive strength completely unchecked.

It's not uncommon for werewolves to engage in more canine behaviors even when not shifted, such as compulsions to growl, snarl, bark, howl, etc, as well as making use of their sense of smell, and some forms of canine body language(more when tails/ears are displayed). This often extends to dominance/submissiveness displays, especially among more 'traditional' communities of werewolves. Others races(especially humans) and behaviors, and even some other werewolves, may find engaging in dominance/submission behavior questionable or even toxic, but those who do take part consider it cultural, which is backed by most werewolves having ingrained instincts to react and behave in kind when these displays/behaviors are used on them.

However, there are some who take these behaviors beyond instinct, and that is when the situation definietly may become questionable- using 'tradition', instinct, or 'culture' as an excuse for toxic behavior is a universal constant for most, if not all, sapient races, after all.


  • SENSES: Senses are likely just like the animal they can turn into, though possibly diluted the more humanlike they are, but still far more sensitive than the senses of normal humans. Such as heightened hearing and sense of smell. May be able to recognize specific people by their scent.
  • When in their fully shifted form as a werewolf during a full moon, they are exceptionally strong and able to lift great weights and are extremely durable and hard to kill by most means, nearly requiring silver weapons. Their hides are exceptionally durable and hard to pierce. May have regenerative abilities.
  • Increased strength and durability even when appearing human, but nothing compared to when fully shifted.
  • Metal-like claws that are extremely powerful and durable, able to spark and scrap against metal and tear through most materials.


  • SILVER! Wounds caused by bullets/blades of silver are probably extremely difficult to heal and cause immense pain and possibly a kryponite weakening effect to their normal strength. Regular silver against the skin may also cause pain, such as burns.
  • Aconite/Wolfsbane/Monkshood: the garlic to lycanthropes. A component of medications/medicinal teas that keep werewolves from completely going apeshit during the full moons. Although they are still completely unable to access anything but their most animal form during the full moon, the effect of the wolfsbane keeps them weakened, leaving them nothing more than slightly sick giant dogs, but with the benefit of returning their ability to reason.
  • Only superpowered during the full moon, and are as mortal as other humans outside of the full moon.
  • New moons

Moon Phases

FULL MOONS: During the full moon, werewolves fully shift into their most beastly form, though much bigger and much more powerful than they normally are, and are unable to access any of their human traits. They have an insatiable bloodlust during the duration of the full moon, with and urge to kill and destroy, mainly aimed at non-werewolves. Can also be inclined to ignore other animals.

  • There are medicinal teas/medicines werewolves can take monthly to keep themselves docile, so that they don’t hurt anyone. They are made with Wolfsbane, making them unpleasant/painful but necessary.

NEW MOONS: During the new moon, werewolves are in an incredibly weakened state. They are fully incapable of shapeshifting away from their human form, unable to access any of their animal traits, including their enhanced senses. They are also weakened further, their bodies going weak and sluggish, or even achey and sore, and their senses may in fact be poorer than the average human's during this time. It is sometimes referred to as 'moon sickness', and it's not unlike having some sort of cold or flu or fever, only without the actual illness. Most lycanthropes during the new moon prefer to just stay indoors and rest, especially during the night, when it's the worst.


It seems to be a natural instinct for werewolves to gather in packs. Typically family groups, but we all know families aren't always perfect, and the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb, so just like humans can have found families, it's quite possible many werewolves gather their own packs, which they treat as their families.

Packmates can most easily recognize each other by scent. In packs made of blood relatives, this is because they share a similar scent from relation, and thus even an estranged member of the family might 'smell like the pack' even to family they have never met. In packs made from found family, the similar scent come from the constant contact, sharing each others scents with each other. And thus, a prolonged absence from the pack might make someone's pack-scent disappear... though, thankfully, memory can fill in the blanks, and the displaced packmate may be welcomed back into the fold and get that pack-scent back.